Don't you think this may create a problem for Hispanic Muslims in the US? The first time you have a
Hispanic terrorist at will lock down the border. For some reason I can't picture Hispanic
the associated press by allan turner.. this is a interesting turn of events, people grounded in catholicism i'am surprised.. latinos now comprise almost 40 percent of the population in texas and 20 percent in the.
u.s. pew reports that almost 1 in 4 identify themselves as former catholics.
second half of the century, islam is projected to become the world's dominant religion.. now, with the opening early this year of centro islamico, texas'-and possibly the nation's-only.
Don't you think this may create a problem for Hispanic Muslims in the US? The first time you have a
Hispanic terrorist at will lock down the border. For some reason I can't picture Hispanic
the associated press by allan turner.. this is a interesting turn of events, people grounded in catholicism i'am surprised.. latinos now comprise almost 40 percent of the population in texas and 20 percent in the.
u.s. pew reports that almost 1 in 4 identify themselves as former catholics.
second half of the century, islam is projected to become the world's dominant religion.. now, with the opening early this year of centro islamico, texas'-and possibly the nation's-only.
The Associated press by Allan Turner.
This is a interesting turn of events, people grounded in Catholicism I'am surprised.
Latinos now comprise almost 40 percent of the population in Texas and 20 percent in the
U.S. Pew reports that almost 1 in 4 identify themselves as former Catholics. By the
second half of the century, Islam is projected to become the world's dominant religion.
Now, with the opening early this year of Centro Islamico, Texas'-and possibly the nation's-only
Spanish-language mosque, the city is poised to become a center of Hispanic Muslim teaching.
By some estimation as many as 300000 Latinos follow Prophet Muhammad's teaching.
The brand ambassador for Islam in Spanish Miss Morales said, she attended Mormon, Baptist and
Jehovah's Witness services and then she bought a Quran and the rest is history.
The next question, is there Islam in Latin America? Posted by Rosemary Pennington 2010.
"I think Latin America has been one of the forgotten regions because of the Spanish and
Portuguese" says Project director Maria Logrono.
How is it today, this report made in 2010.
from the awake 8 november 1994, page 26. the olympic religious mix.
the olympic games are rooted in greek religion.
they were born as a religious festival to honor zeus, supreme among the greek gods.
Thanks darkspilver, blame it on me "It was James, honest. LOL
Good find on the Nov. 8th Awake.
a newbie here, joined about half an hour ago.
i started the fade about 10 years ago and have been totally inactive for about 3 years.
the reason being was that i became totally disillusioned.
Happy to have you on board, enjoy.
usa$25.000 , silver-$15.000, bronze $10.000.
singapore $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000.
unless your m.phelps you don't earn enough.. what is wrong with this picture?
darkspilver: "
What's this got to do with this forum??"
The games of ancient Greece are alluded to many times especially in Paul's epistles. They
are not endorsed by scripture, because they were, and still are, utterly pagan, and devoted to demons,
so no JW should be watching the games.LOL
Paul spent much of his ministry on he Corinthian Isthmus where Greeks held the Isthmian games.
He, and the young church would have been familiar with the cycles of the Greek games.
There's no doubt that his metaphorical reference to competitive running, and boxing referred to
the Greek games composing the olympics.
So in other words if you are talking with JW family members and they are watching the Olympics, inform
them it's pagan. Damn another pagan thing, no fun being a JW.
usa$25.000 , silver-$15.000, bronze $10.000.
singapore $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000.
unless your m.phelps you don't earn enough.. what is wrong with this picture?
That's the point I was trying to make the other day on another topic.
You have professional athletes in most events basketball, track, soccer, golf and
M. Phelps and the U.S. basketball team are not amateurs.
It's not fair, those young folks train all those years missing out on their prom,sacrificing
so much to represent the USA and for what, maybe $25.000.
usa$25.000 , silver-$15.000, bronze $10.000.
singapore $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000.
unless your m.phelps you don't earn enough.. what is wrong with this picture?
USA athletes..Gold-$25.000 , silver-$15.000, Bronze $10.000
Singapore athletes..Gold $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000
Unless your M.Phelps you don't earn enough.
What is wrong with this picture? M. Phelps earn his pay but the other athletes there is no
guarantee they will receive the big dollar endorsement that M. Phelps receive.
Our athletes train for years to get a medal for their country and receive a small amount for
their efforts.
Most Elders have more faces, but a few were good men I must say trying to do what is right...
I applied for a position in the company I worked for and it came down to two applicants.
So in the final interview they told me I like the education for the job.
I was so disappointed and confused, I was a elder and the best schooling one could get in
theological studies that covers all, LOL.. You talk about a pompous A-hole that was me, thanks WT.
wednesday, august 10. holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of god.—acts 20:28.. it is important that we show appreciation for god’s arrangement for shepherding his flock.
christian elders are a provision from jehovah, who always acts in our best interests.
the elders are “like a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless land, like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.” (isa.
"The elder are"like a hiding place from the wind". Oh sure they are when so much
wind come out of their mouth and rear. Let me stay in the storm. The elders I know
are going through hailstorms themselves created by the GB.